Paris  Badass Graphics Club is a freelance designer and art director specialising in typography and visual identity with an ongoing focus on ethical and inclusive design.

Based in Paris. France 
Working globally. 

Random Wiki


RW Halin Grafo is a modular font designed during during a type design initiation workshop given by Lucas Descroix and Benjamin Dumond (Bonjour Monde), in February 2023.

Students were each asked to create a display typeface based on a Wikipedia article chosen at random. In order to get an interesting conceptual distance they first gathered words and images, then explored abstract rhythms by hand.

[01] RandomWiki is a typeface family created by the students of the Art Direction MA at LISAA, Paris. 

[02] Random article Halin graph
The glyphs are designed using modular elements based on Halin graph structures. These modules incorporate the graph's core components: the vertice and the edge.

RW Halin Grafo is available under CC BY-ND 4.0 license right here    